Προσφέρετε στον εαυτό σας την δροσιά και τη θεραπευτική δύναµη του Asklipios Thyme & Mint. Εµπνευσµένο από την αρχαία ελληνική σοφία, το ανθρακούχο αυτό ρόφηµα συνδυάζει την ισχυρή δράση του βιολογικού θυµαριού, Thymus Vulgaris, και της βιολογικής µέντας, Mentha Piperita, και ενισχύεται µε το φυσικό γλυκαντικό µας, τον συµπυκνωµένο χυµό σταφυλιού. Το Asklipios Thyme & Mint, µε τις καταπραϋντικές, αντισηπτικές και τονωτικές του ιδιότητες, προσφέρει µια ευχάριστη επίγευση µετά τα γεύµατα, εξουδετερώνοντας τις κακοσµίες των τροφών, ενώ ταυτόχρονα διευκολύνει την πέψη και βοηθά στην εντερική λειτουργία, µειώνοντας το φούσκωµα.
Χαρίστε στον οργανισµό σας την απόλυτη ισορροπία γεύσης και ευεξίας που σας δίνει το Asklipios Sage & Orange, το δροσερό ανθρακούχο ρόφηµα που συνδυάζει τα πλούσια οφέλη του βιολογικού φασκοµήλου µε την φρεσκάδα του πορτοκαλιού, εµπλουτισµένο µε το φυσικό γλυκαντικό µας, τον συµπυκνωµένο χυµό σταφυλιού. Ωφεληθείτε από τις θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες του φασκοµήλου ( Salvia Officinalis), που περιέχει πρωτεΐνες, υδατάνθρακες, βιταµίνες και µέταλλα, προσφέρει αντιοξειδωτικές και αντισηπτικές ιδιότητες, βοηθάει στη στοµατική υγιεινή, καταπολεµάει τον βήχα, την ιγµορίτιδα και τη φαρυγγίτιδα, ενώ βελτιώνει τις γνωστικές λειτουργίες του εγκεφάλου και ρυθµίζει το σάκχαρο του αίµατος. Χαρίζει ισορροπία στον οργανισµό σας.
Αποκτήστε αρµονία µε το Asklipios Chamomile & Strawberry, το αναζωογονητικό ανθρακούχο ρόφηµα που συνδυάζει τη µαγεία του βιολογικού χαµοµηλιού µε την ακαταµάχητη γλύκα της φράουλας. Η Matricaria Chamomila, η επιστηµονική ονοµασία του χαµοµηλιού, εµπλουτίσµένη µε τη φρέσκια γεύση της φράουλας, τη φυσική γλύκα του συµπυκνωµένου χυµού σταφυλιού δηµιούργησε αυτό το ανθρακούχο ρόφηµα που υπόσχεται µια ξεχωριστή γευστική εµπειρία. Προσφέρει θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες όπως ανακούφιση από το άγχος, βελτίωση του ύπνου, ενίσχυση του ανοσοποιητικού, αντιµετώπιση δερµατικών προβληµάτων και ανακούφιση από µυϊκούς σπασµούς και είναι ιδανικό για την ενδυνάµωση της στοµατικής υγείας καθώς και για τη µείωση πονοκεφάλων και ηµικρανιών.
Γιορτάστε την τέλεια αρµονία γεύσης και ευεξίας µε το Asklipios Greek Mountain Tea, Wild Rose, Lemongrass & Berries. Αυτό το µοναδικό ρόφηµα συνδυάζει το βιολογικό τσάι του βουνού, το άγριο τριαντάφυλλο και το µελισσόχορτο, ενώ εµπλουτίζεται µε µια γλυκιά νότα από berries και γλυκαίνεται φυσικά µε συµπυκνωµένο χυµό σταφυλιού. Αναδεικνύοντας την ιστορική δύναµη του Sideritis, αυτό το ρόφηµα προσφέρει ένα πλήθος ευεργετικών ιδιοτήτων. Η Rosa Canina, άγριο τριαντάφυλλο, βοηθά στην ενίσχυση του ανοσοποιητικού και της καρδιοαγγειακής λειτουργίας, ενώ το µελισσόχορτο µε τις ευεργετικές του ενώσεις προάγει την ηρεµία και έχει αντιβακτηριακές ιδιότητες. Όλα αυτά µαζί προσφέρουν άµεση γευστική ευφορία και σωµατική αναζωογόνηση!
Χαρίστε ενέργεια στο σώµα και διαύγεια στο µυαλό σας κάθε µέρα µε το Asklipios Greek Mountain Tea & Peppermint. Το εξωτικό ανθρακούχο ρόφηµα που συνδυάζει το βιολογικό τσάι του βουνού µε τον δυόσµο, ενισχυµένο µε τη φυσική γλύκα του συµπυκνωµένου χυµού σταφυλιού. Αναδεικνύοντας την ιστορική δύναµη του Sideritis Scardica, αυτό το ρόφηµα προσφέρει ένα πλήθος ευεργετικών ιδιοτήτων: βοηθά στην υπέρταση, ενισχύει το πεπτικό σύστηµα, προσφέρει αντιοξειδωτική, αντιφλεγµονώδη και αγχολυτική δράση. Είναι αντιµικροβιακό, αντιαναιµικό, αντιγηραντικό, αντισπασµωδικό, διουρητικό. Βοηθάει στην καλή νεφρική λειτουργία, την ενίσχυση του ανοσοποιητικού ενώ έχει αποδειχθεί ότι συµβάλει στην βελτίωση της εγκεφαλικής λειτουργίας.
Επωφεληθείτε από τη δύναµη και τη δροσιά της φύσης µε κάθε γουλιά του Asklipios Dandelion & Lemon Verbena. Ένα µοναδικό ανθρακούχο ρόφηµα που συνδυάζει τη δροσερή ενέργεια του βιολογικού ταραξάκου και της βιολογικής λουίζας µε την γλυκιά γεύση του συµπυκνωµένου φυσικού χυµού σταφυλιού και µια υπέροχη νότα λεµονιού. Το Asklipios Dandelion & Lemon Verbena είναι ιδανικό για την καθηµερινή σας αποτοξίνωση, προσφέροντας προστασία στο ήπαρ και υποστήριξη στην απώλεια βάρους. Εµπλουτισµένο µε βιταµίνες, µέταλλα, και αντιοξειδωτικά, αυτό το δροσερό ανθρακούχο ρόφηµα προάγει την πέψη, υποστηρίζει το ανοσοποιητικό, βελτιώνει την λειτουργία των αρθρώσεων και βοηθά στον ύπνο.
1767 is a premium carbonated soft drink and is offered either with or without ice, but always chilled, or as a mixer in drinks.
Bottle with a capacity of 250 ml, ideal for two cocktails No alcohol at all No sugar at all 0.8 calories per bottle No artificial coloring Not conservative at all
1767 is a premium carbonated soft drink and is offered either with or without ice, but always chilled, or as a mixer in drinks.
Bottle with a capacity of 250 ml, ideal for two cocktails No alcohol at all No sugar at all 0.8 calories per bottle No artificial coloring Not conservative at all
Pack of 12 pieces
Annie's Gourmet Popcorn Cocoa Caramel 35gr Treat Bag - Pack of 60 pcs
NOAM is an unfiltered, natural lager beer that has been fermented according to the highest Bavarian standards in Weihenstephan.
It is a light, refreshing beer with a distinct, smooth flavor that is characterized from the floral flavors of hops, as its ingredients are harvested from the valleys of Hallertau, which is the world's most famous cultivation area hops.
At 5.2% alcohol it is aged for 6 weeks to achieve its superior taste, best enjoyed at a maximum temperature of 6˚C degrees
The balsamic creams of the Papadaki Family, in a variety of flavors, are an authentic product without sugar, colorings and preservatives, which we created with the aim of challenging you to compose imaginative recipes. They are also ideal for those of you who want the mild taste of balsamic in combination with your favorite dishes.
Ingredients: concentrated organic grape must 82%, organic grape vinegar 18%. Organic, 100% natural product, without added preservatives, sugar and dyes. It is kept in a dry and cool place. After opening it is kept in the refrigerator.
Pack of 6
Papadakis Crete Balsamic cream with thyme honey 250ml - Pack of 6 pcs
Papadakis Crete Balsamic cream with thyme honey 250ml
The balsamic creams of the Papadaki Family, in a variety of flavors, are an authentic product without sugar, colorings and preservatives, which we created with the aim of challenging you to compose imaginative recipes. They are also ideal for those of you who want the mild taste of balsamic in combination with your favorite dishes.
Ingredients: concentrated grape must 80%, grape vinegar 20%. A 100% natural product without added preservatives, sugar and colourants. It is kept in a dry and cool place. After opening it is kept in the refrigerator.
Pack of 6
AQUA Carpatica Naturally Carbonated Natural Mineral Water Glass 750ml - Pack of 6
AQUA Carpatica Naturally Carbonated Natural Mineral Water Glass 750ml
AQUA Carpatica Naturally Carbonated Natural Mineral Water is naturally and not artificially carbonated, which is due to ancient, underground volcanoes. Beneath the earth's surface, at a depth of more than 200 meters, a layer of metamorphic rock protects the water, as it mixes underground with natural carbon dioxide (CO2), giving AQUA Carpatica its unique, natural bubbles. AQUA Carpatica Naturally Carbonated Natural Mineral Water originates from the protected Paltinis spring and is bottled in an environmentally responsible way.
Naturally Carbonated from the source – not artificially carbonated
It is bottled at the AQUA Carpatica Paltinis Spring, in the village of Panaci
NO nitrates and no traces of chemical pollutants – great for pregnant women and lovers of a healthy lifestyle and organic products
Naturally low in sodium – recommended for people with high blood pressure and people on a low sodium diet
Naturally rich in electrolytes to improve hydration – ideal for an active lifestyle
Provides almost 41% of daily calcium and 28% of magnesium (per liter) for an adult
Naturally rich in bicarbonates – facilitates digestion and metabolism
40 years of natural filtration through volcanic stone
Clean, smooth taste, no bitter or salty aftertaste
PET bottles without Bisphenol-A (BPA free)
100% recyclable
Kosher certified
Pack of 6
AQUA Carpatica Natural Mineral Water Glass 750ml - Pack of 6 pcs
Purity and taste are inextricably linked with AQUA Carpatica. Millions of years of volcanic activity have freed the source from pollutants, giving our water its incomparable, unique taste.
In the heart of the Carpathian Mountains of Romania flows the pure water of the protected spring Bajenaru. AQUA Carpatica water is collected responsibly from the source, in order to maintain unchanged its ideal ratio of minerals, balanced pH and its incomparable, pure taste.
It is bottled at the AQUA Carpatica Bajenaru Spring, in the village of Panaci
Almost Nitrate-free (0.6 mg/l) – ideal for babies, toddlers, and pregnant women
Naturally low in sodium (0.6 mg/l) – recommended for people with blood pressure problems and people on a low sodium diet
Naturally Alkaline (pH 7.94) to aid in smooth digestion and metabolism
Low in mineral salts – ideal for making baby food and for daily hydration
The fig is endemic to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Although it is rich in nutritional elements, compared to other fruits it has as a disadvantage its short endurance over time. Thus, since ancient times, fig producers discovered drying as a way to preserve it for a long time, without altering its nutritional value. Especially in Kymi due to the microclimate of the area, the fig has such a thin skin that it is not marketable as a fresh fruit. The inhabitants of Kymi also resorted to drying, however, inventing an original way: each fig is split in half and dried open. After drying, the figs are joined in pairs and form the "askada", the well-known "Kymi fig". This special technique appears in the 16th century, while with the commercial flourishing of Kymi and its port in the 18th century, Kymi figs become a key export product of the region. Today, the process we follow is the same as it has always been. This is because the delicate nature of the fig precludes mechanical methods. Collection, laying in the sun and matching, can only be done by hand. From collection to packaging, each fig can pass through the producer's hand up to 20 times!
Pack of 10 pieces
Moly Organic DETOX Herbal Mixtures - Pack of 6 pcs
I'm Lygcistis, a smooth, preservative-free, vitamin-rich, healthy, roasted Florina pepper spread that I can't wait for you to eat! I really like when they accompany me in savory or sweet dishes, salad dressings or dips. Safe to be consumed by all ages and non-allergenic
Pack of 12 pieces
Liasto Organic Sun-dried Tomatoes in olive oil 190gr - Pack of 12 pcs
Organic sun-dried tomatoes in organic olive oil 190gr
The organic sun-dried tomato is from selected varieties of organic tomato with a high content of lycopene, the ingredient responsible for its red color and known for its anti-cancer properties, as well as a high degree of °Brix, responsible for its sweet taste. Like the conventional one, it does not contain sulfites, preservatives or other improvers. It is a product made only from Greek Earth, Sun, Sea (for the salt) and a lot of passion. You will find it in a jar with organic olive oil and thrombi.
The delicious Whiskey Sauce has a strong taste and a distinct aroma! We recommend it in a black angus burger. Ideal for spreading on pancetta and steak towards the end of cooking. Side dish with french fries.
Pack of 12 pieces
LIA Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil 500ml - Pack of 12 pcs.
LIA extra virgin olive oil is sealed in a white bottle. Its excellent taste and characteristics are the results of painstaking efforts made during the production process. We still pick our olives by hand, just like our parents did, seeing that neither the fruit nor the tree is damaged. We only use linen bags and take our fruit to the olive press on the same day of its harvest to make sure it retains all its properties until the next process. We exclusively use the cold extraction method to ensure that the nutritional values as well as the flavor and taste properties of the fruit are transferred to the oil pulp. We put our LIA olive oil in a well-designed opaque white bottle to keep your oil away from light and maintain its top quality. Finally, we store our bottles in a cool place at normal temperature. We do what is required so that LIÁ comes to you as we have imagined it to come.
Pack of 12 pieces
Price per 500ml piece: €14.30
Alelma Alonissos Red Tuna in extra virgin olive oil 212gr - Pack of 12 pcs
Alonissos Red Tuna in extra virgin olive oil 212gr
The bluefin tuna, known as Blue Fin Tuna, is one of the largest fish found throughout the Mediterranean. It is an exquisite gourmet choice that adapts to every kitchen and countless recipes.
Alelma selects and cooks the best red tuna with experience and special knowledge.
Pack of 12 pieces
Salt Odyssey Ceramic Mill White Natural Sea Salt with garlic and basil 200gr - Pack of 20 pcs
Crisp because they are made with the authentic Italian technique. Delicious because we take care of our ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, exclusively from pure ingredients, no trans fats, no palm oil, no preservatives, no added sugar, no colorings. Enjoy them in favorite flavors and try the original recipes.
Kritsini with truffle 160gr 20cm
Handmade | With extra virgin olive oil | Without palm oil and trans fats | Suitable for vegetarian diet
Crisp because they are made with the authentic Italian technique. Delicious because we take care of our ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, exclusively from pure ingredients, no trans fats, no palm oil, no preservatives, no added sugar, no colorings. Enjoy them in favorite flavors and try the original recipes.
Pretzel cricini 160gr 20cm
Handmade | With extra virgin olive oil | Without palm oil and trans fats | Suitable for vegetarian diet
Crisp because they are made with the authentic Italian technique. Delicious because we take care of our ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, exclusively from pure ingredients, no trans fats, no palm oil, no preservatives, no added sugar, no colorings. Enjoy them in favorite flavors and try the original recipes.
Kritsini with kefalotiri 160gr 20cm
Handmade | With extra virgin olive oil | Without palm oil and trans fats | Suitable for vegetarian diet
Pack of 12 pcs
Hernan Cortes Greek Milk Chocolate with Stevia 42gr - Pack of 16 pcs
Components:Pure Messolonghi salt 95%, Greek paprika 5%
Color: red
Packing:Glass jar with ceramic grinder in thick paper box 60x50x150mm, net weight 100g
Description:Prized for its bright red color, slightly sweet smoky flavor and velvety texture, this unique combination of coarse sea salt with naturally smoked paprika from Macedonia, awakens the hidden chef in you!
Awarded at the Great taste awards and Olymp awards competitions, with an impressively delicate taste, it is an ideal addition to any recipe! Among other things, cook pulses, meat or soy, potatoes, eggs.
Your palate will feel the difference!
Pack of 20 pieces
Caff Specialty Coffee Roasters
Are you a professional and active in the coffee business? Do you want to open a new coffee business and are you looking for something unique that will differentiate you? Contact us to discover Caff 's Specialty Espresso blends and take advantage of a 10% discount on your first order, as well as many other benefits with the beginning of our partnership!